
We can perform shallow (<1000 metres) high resolution land seismic surveys anywhere in the world.

Primary targets are sedimentary minerals, such as coal or potash. Surveys for shallow oil or gas can also be undertaken.

Currently under development is our next generation acquisition system, FATRAT. This is a distributed nodal seismic system which will have 8 channels at each node and use industry standard CAT6 cable to connect channels to the box.  System is a datalogger using GPS “one pulse per second pulses” to time stamp the data stream.  Nodes are deployed and left to run 24/7 or as required whilst a separate energy source is also recorded into a similar node.   Node data is post processed to create standard SEG-Y seismic records for a processing centre to create seismic sections.

It uses the same tried and tested WOFSS amplifier on each data channel to provide high gain for Mini-SOSIE energy source.